Gewalt im Prozess
Öffentliche Veranstaltungen

The Complexity of a Murder: Situational Dynamics, Social Relations, and Historical Context

Location am HIS | Beginn: 03.07.2019 19:00 Uhr

The aim of this lecture is to incorporate a historical perspective in a pragmatic description of a violent situation, through a case study of a murder that took place in New Caledonia in 2012, based on long-term ethnographic fieldwork. It examines the internal social and political dynamics in a situation in which violence takes place. Based on the description of a singular case, the study seeks to show that the interactionist analysis of a situation of violence can be complemented and enhanced by a description of segmentary and antagonistic social relations, and their historicity; and it points to the delayed effects of situations of violence.

Prof. Dr. Michel Naepels, Anthropologe und Ethnologe; Directeur d‘études de l‘Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris
Moderation: Dr. Stefan Malthaner, Politikwissenschaftler und Soziologe; Wissenschaftler in der Forschungsgruppe Makrogewalt