Prof. Dr. Berthold Vogel
2006–2016: Research staff member, Hamburg Institute for Social Research
January 2003–December 2005: Fellow in the Research Unit: The Society of the Federal Republic of Germany, Hamburg Institute for Social Research
2009: Habilitation in sociology, Department of Social Sciences, University of Kassel
1989–2005: Researcher and project head at the Soziologisches Forschungsinstitut e.V. (SOFI), Georg August University Göttingen
1998: Completion of doctoral degree (Dr. disc. pol.), Department of Social Sciences, Georg August University Göttingen
1988–1989: Student assistant, Department of Sociology, Georg August University Göttingen
1989: Completion of degree in social sciences (Diplom)
1983–1989: Student at Georg August University Göttingen; major in sociology, minor in political science, economics, labor law, and education
- Precarious Employment Biographies
- Who Is the Welfare State? Towards a Sociology of the Public Service Sector
- Do Labor Court Judges Shape the World of Work?
- Transformation of the Worlds of Labor
- New Inequalities in the Welfare State
- In the Service of Public Goods: Actors, Institutions, Practices
- The Democratic Promise
German Sociological Asssociation and its sections Social Inequality and Social Structure Analysis and Urban and Regional Sociology
Deutsche Vereinigung für Sozialwissenschaftliche Arbeitsmarktforschung [German Association for Sociological Research on Labor Markets]
European network The Spatial Dimensions of Urban Social Exclusion and Integration (URBEX) in Leuven, Belgium
International network ESSE, Pour une espace des sciences sociales européenne, Geneva
Collaborator in the research network on East Germany, Zentrum für Sozialforschung [Center for Social Research] Halle; Thuenen-Institut Röbel; Sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschungszentrum Berlin [Social Science Research Center]; Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialforschung Chemnitz [Institute for Economic and Social Research]
Collaborator/advisor for the research committee of the Hans Böckler Foundation and the expert committee on societal integration within the Forum Berlin, Friedrich Ebert Foundation
Academic reviewer and advisor for the Schweizer Nationalfond [Swiss National Research Foundation], for publications of the Institute for Employment Research of the Federal Employment Agency, Germany, and for various academic publishers in the social sciences