In its commitment to ensuring a work environment that is open, diverse, and founded on an appreciation of all individuals, the Hamburg Institute for Social Research (HIS) is guided by principles of equal opportunity. We consider friendly cooperation among our staff members and guests and equal treatment regardless of individual characteristics such as gender, age, religious or ethnic affiliations, or physical disabilities to be the basis of our daily life at the Institute.
In this context, equal treatment of women and men at the Institute is a key area of engagement, as is ensuring equal access to professional opportunities and career paths. HIS expressly welcomes applications from women for posted job openings, scholarships, internships, and the like, especially in those areas where women are underrepresented.
HIS supports its staff in dealing with work and family responsibilities with measures such as flexible arrangements for working hours.
The Institute’s gender equality officer and her deputy are competent contacts for both HIS staff and the Institute’s director with respect to all questions concerning equal opportunity policies and are involved in all procedures related to filling new positions at the Institute.