Dr. Klaus Naumann
1992–present: Research staff member at the Hamburg Institute for Social Research from 1992 till 2017
1981–1992: Editor of the journal Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik and member of the editorial board since 1992
Doctoral degree, Institute for Ancient History (advisor Prof. Dr. Karl Christ), with a thesis on methodological problems of historical social analysis focusing on Roman society in antiquity
Studied history and political science at Philipps University Marburg/Lahn, completion of a degree for secondary school education
- Why the Military Needs Politics
- The Military Elite of the Bonn Republic
- Discussion Group: Compatibility of International Law and Criminal Law
- The Politics of Memory in 1995, the Year of Commemoration
- Germany in a War of Transformation
- The Social Figure of the "Political Soldier" and the Societalization of Violence