Using the Library

The Library is open to the public. All holdings are non-circulating and can be used solely on site in the Library during regular opening hours or by appointment.


Contact / Opening Hours

Library of the Hamburg Institute for Social Research

Mittelweg 36, 20148 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 414097-70
Send an email


Opening Hours

Tuesday and Thursday 9am-5pm, and by appointment; closed on German public holidays


News from the Library

Sociology Collection

Die Sociology Collection wertet eine Vielzahl von Datenbanken aus und bietet Zugang zu internationaler Literatur in den Bereichen Soziologie, Sozialwissenschaften sowie verwandter Themengebiete. Unter den verfügbaren Ressourcen finden sich Zusammenfassungen und Volltexte von Zeitschriftenartikeln, Büchern, Buchkapiteln, Dissertationen und Arbeitspapieren.

Book scanner

Our Book2net scanner makes it easy to scan books and other documents. Please bring your own USB stick if you wish to use the scanner.


Periodicals and Journals in Print

Our room offers 260 periodicals in print. Furthermore 6,000 online periodicals are licensed by the library. We have full text databases, updated daily, for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the Frankfurter Rundschau, the Süddeutsche Zeitung, the Welt, the Hamburger Abendblatt and the Spiegel. Our users have the possibility to read the newspapers on a tablet PC.



We offer users work places that can be reserved for long-term research, internet access, self-service photocopying, and use of a book scanner. Wireless network access is also available.

All library collections, as well as the databases, e-books, and e-journals accessible on the premises of the Institute, are listed in the online catalog.

Our library collections are also listed in the network catalog of the GBV Common Library Network and in Beluga - the catalog of Hamburg libraries. 

Our staff will be happy to supply further information about the Library by phone, fax, and e-mail.

Requests for photocopies of journal articles can be submitted by e-mail or regular mail and will be processed for a fee of 0.25 € per page plus VAT and postage.

Self-service photocopies can be made at a charge of 0.05 € per page.

Regulations for Use of the Library and Library Fee Schedule