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Mittelweg 36

Neuvermessungen des Sozialen. »Grenzen der Gemeinschaft« revisited

Heft 4-5 | Oktober / November 2024

Hamburger Edition

Die Neuerscheinungen


Founded in 1984, we are an independent and privately funded research institution in which social scientists from different disciplines work on politically and historically relevant topics. From the very beginning the research focus of the institute was on phenomena of macro-violence, the theoretically ambitious publications by members of the institute were well received and widely acknowledged. Although the topic of violence will remain on the research agenda of the HIS, new themes will also take center stage such as the problems of democracy and statehood or the structural features of contemporary capitalism - all to be dealt with in a comparative perspective whenever that is possible.

Upcoming events

09. Jan
09:00 o'clock iCal
Epistemic Injustice in Law

CfP | Workshop at the Hamburg Institute for Social Research | Wissenschaftliche Planung: Francesca Barp (HIS) und Leonie Thies (Wolfson College, Oxford) | In Kooperation mit Prof. Tobias Eule (HIS / University of Bern) and Prof. Linda Mulcahy (Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford)

HIS at home
HIS at home
HIS at home
26. Feb
19:00 o'clock iCal
Politics of demarcation and the radical right in post-war Europe: Defining what is right

CfP | Workshop at the Hamburg Institute for Social Research | Organization: Alexander Hobe, Pablo Schmelzer and Laura Wolters

HIS at home
HIS at home
HIS at home

Aus der Vergangenheit lernen:

Der Arbeitskreis Kritische Soziale Arbeit (AKS) Hamburg auf Spurensuche alter Konflikte und Potenziale in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe

Suche in der Bibliothek

The Research Groups at HIS

Democracy and Statehood

The research group is engaged in developing new perspectives on the relationship between democracy and statehood in Europe. We are utilizing approaches grounded in historical, sociological, and political theory to conduct comparative studies of regions in Europe, particularly its southern periphery, and to reconsider old questions.


The work of the research group focuses on phenomena of violence that have immediate repercussions on the structure of entire political and social systems—this is what is meant by the concept of macro-violence. The group investigates empirical and theoretical issues and considers different regions of the world, sometimes comparatively.

Monetäre Souveränität

Die Forschungsgruppe Monetäre Souveränität widmet sich der komplexen Beziehung zwischen Geld und Politik. Sie vereint Forschungsprojekte, die sich mit der politischen Ökonomie des Geldes in historischer oder gegenwartsbezogener Hinsicht befassen und dabei ihren Schwerpunkt auf die Theoriebildung und Theorieentwicklung legen.

Sociology of Law

The research group will provide a space in which practices and ideas of law can be critically analysed in order to shed light on complex social phenomena.

Journal Mittelweg 36

Inhouse Journal (in German)

Neuvermessungen des Sozialen. »Grenzen der Gemeinschaft« revisited

Heft 4-5 Oktober/November 2024

»Der soziale Radikalismus hält seine Zeit für gekommen«, schrieb Helmuth Plessner vor hundert Jahren im Vorwort zu den ›Grenzen der Gemeinschaft‹. Das Gefühl besonderer Dringlichkeit dürfte die meisten Radikalismen auszeichnen. Umso wichtiger bleibt die distanzierte, die kalte Analyse. Dieses Heft unterbreitet Vorschläge dazu. Es erkundet, von Plessner inspiriert, die unhintergehbare Dialektik von Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft, deren Verhältnis sich gegenwärtig wieder einmal umgestaltet.

Mehr erfahren

Publishing House Hamburger Edition

Spring 2020

Monica Prasad

Im Land des Überflusses

Reichtum und das Paradox der Armut in den USA

George Steinmetz

Die kolonialen Ursprünge moderner Sozialtheorie

Französische Soziologie und das Überseeimperium

Bogdan Musial

»Lagermedizin« in Auschwitz

Funktion und Dilemmata der Häftlingsärzte 1940-1945

Internet platform Soziopolis


Soziopolis is an internet platform which meets different intellectual needs, first of all, the wish for daily news about sociology and its related disciplines. By providing a variety of information including notes on events, calls for papers or submissions, conference reports, job offers and new appointments, but also book reviews and press roundups as well as contributions on relevant anniversaries or historic dates and informative portraits of influential social scientists.

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